Do Delta-8 Cartridges & Disposables Expire?

THC is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. There is delta-8 THC and delta-9 THC. Delta-8 THC has a double bond on the 8th carbon chain, while delta-9 THC has a double bond on the 9th carbon chain.
Delta-9 THC cartridges can degrade and turn into CBN—an entirely different cannabinoid. CBN has relaxing but not psychoactive properties that users enjoy experiencing when vaping delta-8 or delta-9 THC.
So, what does this mean for delta-8 cartridges? We’ll explain how long THC cartridges last in storage and when disposables expire.
How Long Is the Shelf Life of a Typical Vape Cartridge?
A typical delta-8 vape cartridge should maintain its taste, aroma, and potency for about 18 months, but only if it is stored properly! For a typical vape cartridge to make it 18 months, it needs to be stored away from sunlight, heat, and humidity. These elements will cause the vape cartridge to deteriorate quicker than 18 months.
How to Properly Store Delta-8 Cartridges
Like delta-9, delta-8 cartridges can degrade into CBN if exposed to sunlight, heat, and humidity. However, delta-8 cartridges aren’t as sensitive to these elements as delta-9 cartridges; therefore, they don’t deteriorate as quickly or as severely. Because of this, delta-8 cartridges have a stronger shelf life than delta-9 cartridges.
Delta-8 cartridges should be properly stored to maintain their integrity and maintain their aroma, flavor, and potency. This will help you get the longest shelf life possible from your delta-8 cartridges.
Avoid Direct Sunlight
Direct sunlight has an intense effect on the cannabis plant. All cannabinoids in the cannabis plant react in some way to direct sunlight, and delta-8 THC is no different. When delta-8 THC is exposed to direct sunlight, its potency is significantly reduced. Make sure you store cartridges and disposables in an area completely free from sunlight. This can be in a drawer, box, refrigerator, or closet.
Choose a Cool Location
Heat is another factor that can affect delta-8 cartridges and disposables. Try to choose a location that is not only out of direct sunlight but is also relatively cool. You can choose a drawer, closet, or refrigerator to keep your delta-8 cartridges and disposables cool.
Store Cartridges Upright
It’s imperative to store delta-8 cartridges in an upright position, with the coil at the bottom of the cartridge always staying saturated. This will guarantee your puffs are full of flavor and will properly dispense every time. If the cartridges are stored horizontally, the cartridge can become backed up and produce a burnt flavor that may not be effective.
Why Is It Important to Store Cartridges and Disposables Correctly?
Following these tips guarantees you get the most out of your delta-8 cartridges and disposables. The last thing you want to do is spend money on a product you can’t use because you stored it incorrectly, causing it to become defective or expire. Storing delta-8 cartridges and disposables correctly will guarantee that the product lasts the entire 18 months that it should.
How to Tell if Your Delta-8 Cartridge or Disposable Is Expired
If you’ve made the unfortunate realization that you haven’t stored your delta-8 cartridges or disposables in optimal conditions, you may have an expired product on your hands.
The best way to determine if your delta-8 cartridge or disposable is expired is through the taste or smell of the cartridge. Fortunately, a delta-8 cartridge or disposable will never spoil, so it can always be used. It will be less potent in effectiveness, flavor, and aroma if expired, but it can still be used!
If you can see the oil in the cartridge, you can tell the cartridge’s potency just by looking at the color of the oil. If the oil is clear or mostly clear, the cartridge should still be good. It is when the oil is a yellow or brown color that the delta-8 cartridge is likely expired. But, again, this doesn’t mean it can’t be used—it just means the cartridge may not be as potent as it should be.
Final Thoughts
Delta-8 cartridges and disposables can expire after 18 months or if placed in conditions that accelerate their deterioration. To keep your delta-8 cartridges and disposables protected from deteriorating in the elements, they should be stored in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight. Heat and sunlight can cause delta-8 THC to lose its potency and effectiveness.
For more information on additional CBD and THC products, check out our online store. We have drink mixes, gummies, and delta-infused sugar to choose from!
We also offer the highest quality wholesale products. Our Delta 8 Wholesale Products and Delta 9 Wholesale Products are both top-notch.