How Long Does Delta 9 THC Stay in Your System?

Many people are hesitant to try delta 9 products because they don’t know how long it will stay in their system. This is one of the most common questions we hear when discussing hemp-derived THC products. Users are afraid of failing an upcoming drug test or need to know if the THC level will be detected at their next doctor’s appointment.
Whatever the reason, we have the answers to all your questions related to delta 9 and its effects on the body.
How Long Does Delta 9 Stay in Your System?
To answer this question, we have to look at the different areas of the body where THC levels can be detected. This includes your blood, urine, and hair. You will want to know how long delta 9 stays in your system in these different areas of the body if you have a specific drug screening coming up.
For example, employers typically perform a urine test, while a probation officer or addiction treatment center may perform a blood test or hair follicle test.
How Long Does Delta 9 Stay in the Urine?
This answer depends on the frequency in which you consume delta 9 THC. If you take delta 9 THC once or twice, your urine will typically clear between two and four days. However, if you use delta 9 THC products regularly, it can take as many as 30 days—or more—to clear your urine from the last time it was taken.
Related: Shop Delta 9 Edibles Here
How Long Does Delta 9 Stay in the Blood?
Delta 9 THC clears the bloodstream quickly. It typically takes around 24 to 48 hours to clear your bloodstream after consumption. It may take a few days longer to clear the bloodstream for those who habitually use delta 9 THC.
How Long Does Delta 9 Stay in the Hair?
Delta 9 THC is most detectable in a hair follicle drug screening. Delta 9 THC can be detected in your hair for as many as three months after consumption.
What Causes Delta 9 to Be Detected in Your System?
Anything ingested or inhaled in your body will become metabolized—and delta 9 THC is no exception. Delta 9 THC is a cannabinoid which means it's a compound found in the cannabis plant. Like all food and drinks, THC cannabinoids pass through the liver and become metabolized. These are known as THC metabolites.
Your body creates numerous THC metabolites when you consume or inhale delta 9 THC. These THC metabolites pass through your digestive system until they are eliminated from the body, but there is no specific number of hours or days your body will take for the metabolites to be undetectable. Each person is different and metabolizes THC in different ways.
Will Delta 9 Cause Me to Fail a Drug Test?
Even if delta 9 is legal in your state, you can still fail a drug test if there is a zero-tolerance policy. This means that even the legal amount of delta 9 THC—less than 0.3%—can still be considered illegal if it is detectable in your system.
That’s because the drug test is designed to detect THC metabolites. It doesn’t differentiate between hemp-derived delta 9 THC—which may be legal—and marijuana-derived THC. A drug test is designed to simply detect the THC metabolites in your body. It doesn’t care where the THC metabolites come from.
If you know that you have a scheduled drug test or doctor’s appointment, you should refrain from consuming delta 9 THC, especially if your hair will be tested. If you only have to give a urine sample and don’t use delta 9 THC regularly, then delta 9 THC will likely be undetectable from your system after just a few days. However, to be safe it is best to abstain from consuming delta 9 THC for at least 30 days if you have a urine-based drug test scheduled.
Keep in mind that if you frequently use delta 9 THC products on a regular basis, they will stay in your system longer and may even be detectable in your urine as many as 30 days from the date it was last used.
The more you consume delta 9 THC products, the longer they will stay in your body and become detectable through a drug test. If you take delta 9 THC gummies daily, you can expect delta 9 to be detectable in your system for at least 30 days from the last time you consumed the gummy.
Can I Flush Delta 9 From My System?
You shouldn’t trust any products that claim to flush delta 9 THC from your system, as there is no way to speed up this process. The only way that toxins are flushed from your system is to flush them out by drinking plenty of water.
Water will help dilute your urine and increase your urination frequency. This may lessen the number of days delta 9 THC can be detected in the urine, but it’s no guarantee. The only way to guarantee that it remains undetected is to refrain from using delta 9 THC products.
How Long Do the Effects of Delta 9 Last?
Just because you can’t feel the effects of delta 9 THC doesn’t mean it’s out of your system. With our Live Resin Gummies, you can feel the effects in as little as 20 minutes.
Common effects that users feel when using delta 9 THC include the following:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation
- Elation
- Increased happiness
- Increased appetite
- Tranquility
- Calmness
- Talkativeness
Once you begin to feel the effects of delta 9 THC—which can be as soon as 20 minutes—you can expect the effects to last between three and five hours per serving. The serving size is 10mg. Consuming more than 10mg of delta 9 THC can cause the effects to last longer and can create an unpleasant experience. Delta 9 THC is safe—however, consuming too much can cause you to feel overwhelmed and ruin the experience. These adverse effects may include paranoia, hallucinations, and feeling like you have an increased heart rate.
Live Resin Gummies
Our Live Resin Gummies come in four flavors: blood orange, watermelon gelato, peach mimosa, blueberry gran daddy purp. They contain only hemp-derived delta 9 THC. Each gummy contains approximately 10mg of delta 9 THC. The effects can be felt as quickly as 20 minutes after ingestion and can last up to five hours. There are approximately 10 gummies per package.
So, How Long Does Delta 9 Stay in Your System?
Each person is different and will metabolize delta 9 THC in their own way. Age, physical condition, and frequency all play a role in how long delta 9 THC will stay in your system. If you are young, have a well-functioning liver, and rarely take delta 9 THC, then you can expect it to be completely removed from your system in the typical amount of time according to the part of your body being tested—urine, blood, hair, etc.
However, if you are older and have a poor-functioning kidney or use delta 9 THC products frequently, then delta 9 THC may stay in your system longer than the average time.
If you know that you have an upcoming drug test, you should refrain from taking delta 9 THC products until after the drug test has passed. If you have an upcoming drug test, it should be out of your system in as many as 30 days by urine, two days by blood, and three months by hair. Remember that these are only average times, and every person metabolizes THC differently.